The 2019 Impact Factor (IF) by Clarivate Analytics' Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of Web of Science as of June 2020: 0.648
The KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS.ISO Abbreviation: KSII T Internet Info) is online scholarly journal indexed in SCIE (Clarivate Analytics) and SCOPUS (Elsevier) and published by KSII and supported by KETI. The TIIS Journal has been published since Dec., 2007 The Transactions is published every month.This is an Open-Access journal. The Transactions is designed to allow readers to obtain the most state of the art in a number of focusing areas related to wired & wireless internet and information systems. The technologies and applications of IT are very rapidly changing and updating. Thus quick publication and distribution to researchers, developers, deployment engineers, technical managers, and educators are crucial. Our most important aim is to publish the accepted papers quickly after receiving the manuscript. The Transactions consists of regular and special issue papers. The papers are strictly peer-reviewed. Both theoretical and practical contributions are encouraged.
The scope of interests of the Transactions includes the following:
- Artificial Intelligence & Big Data (AB)
- Internet Computing (IC)
- Internet Services & Management (IM)
- Information Systems (IS)
- IoT & Application (IA)
- Mobile Communication (MC)
- Multimedia & ComputerVision (MV)
- Networking (NW)
- Security & Privacy (SP)
- Wireless Communication (WC)
The TIIS journal is supported and funded by the National Research Foundation under the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST) and the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies (KOFST), the Korean government. This journal has been selected as an outstanding international journal by the MEST, the Korean government since 2009.
[Our Journal's Published Paper Distribution and Index]
Our Transactions is indexed and abstracted in the CrossRef, Access My Library, DBLP, EBSCO, SCOPUS, and SCIE, respectively. Now your published papers here will be easily accessed and cited by the authors and readers worldwide.
- DOI by CrossRef: All of the papers published in the KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems will be assigned DOI (Digital Object Identifier) and uploaded in the database with DOI by CrossRef. CrossRef (http://www.crossref.org) is a non-profit membership association founded and directed by publishers. Its mission is to enable easy identification and use of trustworthy electronic content by promoting the cooperative development and application of a sustainable infrastructure.
- Access My Library: Access My Library (http://www.AccessMyLibrary.com) is one of the largest electronic academic paper distribution databases in the world managed by the Gale Group.
- DBLP: DBLP provides computer science-only indexes including about 20,000 selected journals and conference proceedings. Our Transactions is indexed through http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/index-k.html. They also contain more than 10, 000 links to home pages of computer scientists. In particular, the DBLP index makes all of the paper titles published in our Transactions be listed up in the first search page of Google. In addition the author name of the published paper is listed in the top position of the first search page of Google.
- EBSCO: According to an Independent Study conducted by Library Journal, "the number one reference source owned by academic (and public) libraries in electronic-only format is EBSCOhost databases." Not only does EBSCO supply its databases to 90% of the libraries in North America, EBSCO provides nation-wide access to its databases in more than 70 countries including developing nations with emerging economies.
- SCOPUS: Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources, covering peer-reviewed titles from over 4000 publishers, managed by Elsevier. Over 16,000 high quality journals are indexed and abstracted. Scopus users perform over 1 million searches every month.
- SCIE: SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded) is the most renowned abstract and citation database of journal titles in science and engineering. It is managed by Clarivate Analytics. Go to the Web of science (SCIE) databases: http://apps.isiknowledge.com/
- JCR: Journal Citation Reports (JCR) offers a systematic, objective means to critically evaluate the world's leading journals, with quantifiable, statistical information based on citation data. By compiling articles' cited references, JCR Web helps to measure research influence and impact at the journal and category levels, and shows the relationship between citing and cited journals. JCR is managed by Clarivate Analytics. Go to the JCR Web site:http://admin-apps.isiknowledge.com/JCR/JCR?PointOfEntry=Home&SID=U2@DI@AKCoo8iFFEBBc/
[Other Distribution and Index DB for our Journal Papers]
- Cabell's Directory: http://www.cabells.com/directories.aspx
- DBPIA: http://www.dbpia.co.kr/view/p_view.asp?pid=1232
- FindArticles: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_7101/is_4_4/ai_n56246725/
- SJR (SCIMago Journal & Country Rank): http://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=17700155805&tip=sid&clean=0
- Highbeam Research: http://www.highbeam.com/KSII+Transactions+on+ Internet+and+Information+Systems/publications.aspx
- Encyclopedia.com: http://www.encyclopedia.com/KSII+Transactions+on+Internet+and+Information+Systems/publications.aspx?&pageNumber=1
Manuscript Editor
Longzhe Han, Ph.D.- School of Information Engineering,
- Nanchang Institute of Technology, Nanchang 330099, China
- E-mail: longzhehan@gmail.com , lzhan@nit.edu.cn
Editorial Office
Director / Ms. Taekyung Lee- Korean Society for Internet Information
- Rm.505, Korea Science & Technology New Bldg.22, 7Gil,
- Teheran-ro, Gangnam-gu 135-703 Seoul, KOREA
- Phone: +82-2-564-2827 Fax:+82-2-564-2834
- E-mail: tiis@ksii.or.kr